Design the simple template like Newspaper portal with particular background color. Heading at the top and center. Then Paragraph text with left align. And designation at the end.
Place any image inside the web page, but it must have the text at the center. Also use overlay to make the text more clear.
Place the text inside any box at center but the box must have the mixture of colors as shown in the image, first one is having 2 mixtures and second one is having mixtures but in a circular or oval path.
Place two images side-by-side, but first image must have the greyscale effect whereas second image must have the blur effect.
Make the list of the qualities, which a good or the better website developer must have. But keep in mind your list must not have the bullet or numbers, it should have any tick image as shown in the image.
Write down two text code inside your webpage, first text can be normal but the second one must have the color shadow, as shown in the image.
Construct two or three elements inside your webpage, it can be the heading, paragraph, subheading then again paragraph (as per your choice) but keep in mind, your every elements first letter color must be red or orange.
Construct two or three elements inside your webpage, it can be the heading, paragraph, subheading then again paragraph (as per your choice) but give all the elements a different color through one code of css only (not specifying color for every element).
Place any image inside the webpage with text at the center but this time customize your image position with reference to X axis. Also use overlay to make the text more clear.
Design a box with having the text (para & heading) inside. But the box must have the different border color from every side.
Design a box with text inside including one heading and one para. But through CSS make the heading invisible but it's space must remain there.
Design a box with text inside including one heading and one para. But through CSS make the heading invisible and it's space must not be there too.
Construct a box with heading and paragraph inside. Place the heading first then para but through position, you need to make your para visible top to the heading.
Construct a navbar with 3 - 4 links on the top, then heading then some paragraph. But make sure your navbar must stick to the top when the page is scrolled to down.
Through CSS only, and without using the break tags (br), you need to construct 3 Links which need to be displayed everytime in the new line.
Designate a box with proper width and height (400px * 300px) and inside that box put content more then 1000 words and the text which is coming out of the box you need to hide it through CSS.
Design the box with proper width or height with text in the middle. But make sure, whenever the mouse cursor is been pointed or taken inside the box, the box background color changes to red or orange.
Design the box with proper width or height with text in the middle. But make sure, whenever the mouse cursor is been pointed or taken inside the box, the box background color changes and tilt too with the slow effect.
Simply construct the page by heading and paragraph. Change the color and font size of different paragraph with different selector style and finally you need to declare the blue color of paragraph which overrides all other style.
Firstly, construct a paragraph with different first letter color. And secondly, construct some lists whose even number of items must have the different color too.
Construct a box with proper border with text inside. But give a proper space from all sides to the text, so it look's nicely.
Place an image inside the webpage with proper width or height. But reduce the original opacity level of that image.
You need to place an image with text side-by-side. But this image with text aside must be enclosed inside any box which must not have any border lines but the shadowish effect.
Construct any box inside the webpage, but as soon as we take our mouse cursor inside that box, the appearance of the pointing cursor must change to the addition (+) sign, as shown in the image.
Design any box with proper tomato background color but slightly as soon as the page loads it color must changes to Green first then again back to the tomato.
You need to design or construct any box with some text inside, but the challenging part over here is, the box color must change in different screens (like in mobile it must have tomato background, green in tablet view and white in desktop view).
Place any image inside the webpage with proper width and height, but as soon as we take our mouse cursor over to that image, it slowly seems to zoom or magnify without loosing it's original width and height.
You need to design a beautiful form inside any box with shadowish property including the input tags with name, email, password, comment box with submit button too.
Place any image and text incuding the heading and paragraph inside any webpage. But the image and text must come side-by-side.
Just place an image to the left, with text including the heading and paragraph to it's right side. Then below it, place the text to the left then image to it's side. And usually if you notice, this inside the mobile screen, the order or flow of image and text usually disturbed, so you need to correct it (image > text > image> text).
Construct any box with tomato color background and black color text inside the box. But as soon as we put our mouse cursor over to that box, the background color of the box must need to change to brown color with white color text.
Construct any table which speaks about the student marking sheet. But the table must have the beautiful background color enclosed inside the border with proper spacing and padding inside.