/* Hey! I am a comment and you can ignore this */
Design the simple template like Newspaper portal. Heading at the top and center. Then Paragraph text with left align. And designation at the end.
Designate different links with different behaviour means one link needs to open in the same tab, other inside new tab and final needs to download anf file (.jpg, .pdf & etc.).
Simply inside the webpage, on top, the image needs to be appear following with some content.
Include the Google font library inside your webpage and construct the simple heading and paragraph with different font family.
List out the items, which specially Mumma used to ask us to purchase from the market or shop, as shown in the image.
Write your own or any favourite quotes which you have heard from any famous personality, but present the quote inside (" "), and also with address or author name too.
You need to present any scoring marks table, of any random Classroom, Tution Class & etc. But the table must have the proper border lines, as shown in the image.
You need to print the left angle symbol(<), right angle symbol(>), dollar sign symbol($) and asterisk sign symbol(*) inside your webpage.
Simply design any basic color picker inside your webpage means if you click on it, it display the different color with their RGB, hexacode and etc.
Simply construct any form which must have the fields asking for the username, email, password, comment of the user with submit button, as shown in the image.
Inside the webpage construct any heading with paragraph but the heading must have the different color so that the heading attracts the user.
You need to place any image with the caption text inside your webpage, as shown in the image here.
Construct the paragraph inside your webpage, but that para must contain the
cut proper words, as shown also in the image too.
Construct any 3 elements inside your webpage but every elements must have the different position- left, center & right according to the webpage.
Construct any paragraph which must includes the abbr behaviour means short forms, but as soon as we take our cursor over it, the full form of that particular word use to display.
Design anything you want inside your webpage but through HTML only you need to generate the auto-refresh functionality of webpage after every 5seconds.
You need to construct the paragraph inside the webpage but it must looks the same or as it is, as shown in the image.
Design or construct any table inside the webpage but through HTML only give different background color to the table as shown in the image.
Inside your webpage place any image on the top then also place any downloading link, through which we can able to download any files(.pdf, .png, .jpg) etc., as per your choice.
Inside the webpage the visited, unvisited and active links have definite or default color, you need to change the visited, unvisited and active link color.
Inside your webpage, you need to place the different whole website as shown in the image, where inside any webpage, vichitraworld.com website is been placed.
You need to place any image inside your webpage but also you need to specify some linking areas in your image where just by clicking you can access different website or etc.
You need to design a form where input tags with name, email, password, gender asking radio buttons, with one checkbox and slider, also comment box must need to be there with submit button too.
Design a button with a proper link inside which needs to be open in the new tab and same tab.
You need to place two different or same website inside your webpage inside a box, where in the first box one proper website is coming off but in other box, scripts must be ignored off.
Place a proper video inside your webpage with proper playing, pausing functionality. Video must play as soon as we click on the play button.
Place your favourite music audio inside your webpage with proper playing, pausing functionality. Audio must play as soon as we click on the play button.
Attach a proper YouTube video with playing, pausing functionality with proper thumbnail inside the designated width and height.
This time, you need to design a list where you are specifying about any fruits or vegetables, first Fruit's name then color name then name of the place, where these fruits or vegetables are more popular off.
Mark your dream place inside the Google Map where you want to dream of visiting, then place that map(notifying your dream location) inside your webpage with proper width and height.