JavaScript is one of the client side scripting language, which improves the user experience of webpage by converting it from a static page into an interactive one.
Java is an object-oriented programming language but the JavaScript is the client-side scripting language, which can be included inside the HTML pages.
There are mainly 2 ways by which we can include the JavaScript inside HTML and these ways are as follows:-
Yes, we can able to embed two JavaScript files at the same time. We need to simply include both page inside script tag.
For example:- <script src=”main1.js” ></script> and <script src=”main2.js”></script>
Through this document.write() function, we generally use to display our data. And it usually override all the other elements or tags or sections presented in the HTML page.
window.alert() or alert() function both are the same term, actually alert() function is the window object only, so there is no difference whether you write window.alert() or alert(), both will be performing same task.
Alerts are basically any pop-up or dialogue box, which can store any important information or data etc. to grab the high attention from the users.
There are three reserved keywords are in JavaScript, by which we can define any variable and these are as follows:-
There are mainly 5 types of JavaScript operators which are as follows:-
Mainly there are 6 types of primitive data types, which are as follows:-
We can able to find any data type of any variable, or etc. through typeof operator in JavaScript.
There are mainly 3 non-primitive data types in JavaScript and these are as follows:-
The main difference is of data type. When we use to apply the typeof operator with null, then it tells us that null is an object whereas when we apply the typeof operator with undefined, then it tells us that undefined is undefined.
isNaN() method is use to identify whether any variable or etc. is Number or not. The output will come true only if particular variable or etc. is not a number else the output will come false.
If we want any block of code to execute number of times then we need the loops here.
There are mainly 5 kinds of loops in JavaScript, and these are as follows:-
When we use to assign any function in any sort of variable, then it is known as the function expression.
For example:- var funExp = sum(5,10).
This is that type of function, where it is not necessary to have the function name. It also use to shortens the code.
This is introduced in ECMAScript6 (2015), and it’s been very easy and interesting way to express the logics. We need to write our logics here inside the backticks (` `).
Arrays in JavaScript use to hold as many values inside any single variable, and simultaneously it can hold as many values, without taking care of their data types.
To perform any task or to execute any type of code after a specified time intervals, then we need this setTimeout() method of JavaScript.
We use to add the events in our elements through this addEventListener() method. It is been introduced in ECMAScript 2015. In simple words, we can say it attaches an event handler to the document.
'This' keyword refers to the object where it was called. It generally refers to that object it belongs to.
Yes, we can able to submit the form using the JavaScript. And this we can achieve through:- document.form[0].submit();
Of course, here the JavaScript wins as it is the client-side scripting language and it also does not need any assistance of web server to execute.
For adding the class in element through JavaScript, we can use classList.add() method.
For example:- document.queryselector(“#demo”).classList.add(“newclass”);
An Immediately Invoked Function is a function which runs as sson as it is defined. We need to add two sets of parentheses in the last where the function we declare.
That JavaScript function which either takes a function as an argument or returns a function, means they can easily
A technique, we can say an advanced technique to transform a function of arguments n, to n functions of one or less arguments.
There are three types of scopes in JavaScript and these are as follows:-
Variables or functions that are declared inside a function have local or function scope, that means we can't able to access those variables or functions outside from the function.
Variables or functions that are declared in the global namespace have a global scope, that means we can able to access those variables or functions outside or inside or from anywhere inside the code.
An ability of a function to remember the variables and functions that are declared in its outer scope or functions to store a variable for further reference even after it is executed.
An anti-pattern with multiple nested callbacks which makes code hard to read and debug when dealing with ansynchronus logic.
In JavaScript, functions are the first class objects. It basically mean when functions are treated like any other variable, like when functions are passed as an argument.
var | let |
It has function scope. | It has block scope. |
Variables are been hoisted here. | Hoisted but not initialized. |
From the beginning it is available. | Introduced in ES6. |
As cookie use to store the user profile details as soon as any user visits the page. And through it, can able to use the information about the user.
Strict mode is a new advanced feature in ECMASCRIPT 5 that allows you to place a program, or a function, in a "strict" operating context. Sincerly you need to place your JavaScript code here.
We can able to find the data type of JavaScript variable. Means, it simply returns the type of a variable or an expression.
isFinite() function is used to determine whether a number is a finite, legal number. It returns 'true' only if the numner is finite without decimal and positive or negative infinity.
It is a type of event propogation where the event is first captured by the outermost element, and then it triggers on the descendants or children of the targeted element in the same nesting hierarchy.
Java and JavaScript are totally two different programming languages. Although both languages are Object Oriented Programming languages and have similar basic features(if, else, for, switch, break, continue etc.). But both languages are different and have no relation with each other.
The stopPropogation method is used to stop the event from bubbling up the event chain. For example:- Any below nested divs with stopPropogation method use to prevent the default event propogation when clicked on the nested div.
When we want to call any function or evaluate an expression at continous specified intervals which is counted in milliseconds. For example:- Alert box we can able to popup continously after 2 seconds when the page loads.
It is a scripting language that forms the basis of JavaScript. We can say like it is the major revision to JavaScript. And every year they revised the older version of JavaScript so that JavaScript langauge can be more simplier and more advance.