An open source, fast, lightweight and most popular library for simplifying interactions between DOM and JavaScript.
No, jQuery is a library of single JavaScript file which consists of DOM/CSS manipulations, event affects or animations and various commonly used plugins.
No, we can't considered jQuery as a programming language, but we can say it is a well-written JavaScript code which we use to traverse documents, event handling, AJAX interactions and etc.
Some of the effect methods of jQuery are as follows:-
The answer is simply, no. We can only able to use the jQuery with HTML documents.
The $() function is an alias of jQuery function. It is used to define or access jQuery.
Some of the key features of jQuery are as follows:-
There are mainly 3 types of selectors which are as follows:-
Chaining in jQuery lets you run multiple statements one after another on the
same element. We need to append each jQuery command to the previous one using dot(.).
For example:- $("#p").css("color", "red").slideUp(400).slideDown(200);
Although both are used to get or set the value of the specified property of an element attribute where:-
jQuery.prop():- Use to return the current value.
jQuery.attr():- Use to return the default value of property.
CDN stands for Content Distribution Network. And there are 2 types of CDNs:-
Fisrt of all jQuery is a concise which means we don't need to write much script or code. Also it simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and AJAX interaction for faster web development.
It is used to toggle between the hide() and show() method. In simple words, it shows the hidden elements and hides the shown element.
It is used to toggle between the fadeIn() and fadeOut() method. In simple words, it fades out to the fade in element and fades in to the fade out element.
It is an HTML-based user interface system designed to make responsive websites and apps accessible on every smartphones, tablets and desktop devices.
The delay() method is use to delay the execution of functions in the queue. It can sets a timer to delay the execution of the next item in a queue.
jQuery UI is a set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript library. It very well works for highly interactive web applications with many controls for a simple type page with a date picker control.
To filter the specific values from the object we use jQuery filter. It filters the original query into specified element.
slideToggle() method is used to toggle between sliding up and sliding down for the selected elements.
ID and Element are the fastest selector in jQuery.
Class selector are the slowest selector in jQuery.
If we want to get the current value of the first element in the set of the matched element, than this method we can use. Also we can able to set the value of every matched element through this same method.
This slice() method selects a subset of the matched elements based on its index. And subset is basically a set which is a part of larger set.
jQuery each function is used to loop through each and every element of the particular targeted jQuery object. Can also useful for multi-element DOM, looping arrays and object properties.
To deal with the cookies here in jQuery, we need to use the Dough cookies plugin.
The serialize() method is used to create a text string in the standard URL-encoded notation. It can serializes the form values so that its serialized values can be used in the URL query string while making an AJAX request.
The css() method is used to set the style properties or values for the selected elements. We can also add multiple properties or values.
Through method, we can add or attach any data type to DOM elements, free from memory leaks. jQuery also make sure that data is been removed too when the DOM elements removed through jQuery methods.
jQuery click() method triggers the click event, or attaches a function to run when the click event occurs.
qUnit is a framework, which tests JavaScript code written for jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile and test fixtures for verifying the expected results.
To stop all the queued animations and to help them place in their final state the .finish() method is used.
jQuery connect() is a plugin that can be used to connect/bind a function to the another function by assigning a handler. We can use an event of a DOM element using this connect() method.
This jQuery.length property is used to count the total number of elements of the jQuery object.
The promise() method is used to return a dynamically generated promise that is resolved when all actions like collection of certain type bound are quesues or have not ended.
To overcome the conflicts between different libraries and frameworks jQuery has given the option of jQuery no-conflict option. Baically it helps us to overcome all the conflicts.
window.load() | document.ready() |
this function is use to execute when all the DOM elements content use to load inside the memory. | this function is use to execute when only the DOM elements use to load inside the memory. |
content need to load first to run this function. | content is not that important to load first to run this application. |
in single webpage this function need to write only once. | in single webpage this function can write multiple times. |
To stope the default action of an element, we can use this preventDefault() method. Baically it halt the default action from happening.
The latest version of jQuery library is jQuery 3.6.0.
To achieve any data type of any variable using jQuery, we can simply use $.type(Object) which returns the built-in JavaScript type for an object.
To select all the elements in jQuery, we can simply use the $("*").
We can use find(selector) method to search for the descendant elements that matched the specified selector using jQuery.
This parent() method refers to the top-level elements in the particular HTML objects, that are been selected by jQuery selector. It is mainly used to manipulate changes to the top-level of a nested HTML object.
It is a JavaScript library. | It is dynamic and interpreted web-development programming language. |
It is obviously less time-consuming. | It is more time-consuming than jQuery. |
DOM creation is fast here. | DOM creation is little bit slow here in comparing to jQuery. |
It contains only the few line of code that's why it is easy. | It can contain complicated, as well as long code. |
To run jQuery it is must to include the URL of jQuery library in the header of the page. | It is supported by every browser. And no addition plugin, library or CDN needs to include for running JavaScript. |
jQuery end() method is use to end the most recent filtering operation in the current chain and use to return the perfect matched set of factors.
jQuery has its own two syntaxes, addClass() and removeClass() where through addClass() method we can attach the class and through removeClass() we can detach or remove the class.