Construct a classroom scoring table inside your webpage following by two buttons. First button when clicked, the table must need to hide and when the Second button clicked, the table must need to show.
Place an image inside your webpage followed by the button. And as soon as we click on that button, the image needs to be little fade or opaque.
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color. And below the box there must be any button which when clicked the background color of the box changes.
Place two buttons inside your webpage. When the first button clicks, a panel with background color green needs to slide down which also have some text. But when we click on the second button any time, the panel which is sliding down must need to stop.
Here is the time of Quiz creation. You need to keep atleast 5 questions for your quiz and every correct answer provides you 1 marks and after the quiz completes it must tell you the result meter too.
Construct any box with proper width and height, followed by any button. And as soon as we click on the button the box background color must need to change.
Construct any box with proper width and height including the text inside, followed by any button. And as soon as we click on the button, other same box start pasting on the webpage.
Construct any box with proper width and height including the text inside, followed by any button. And as soon as we click on the button, the text inside the box needs to change.
Design simple webpage using the heading and paragraph. But as soon as the webpage loads automatically a modal with form appears, as shown in the image too.
Place two buttons inside your webpage. When the first button clicks, a panel with background color green needs to slide down which also have some text. But when we click on the second button any time, the panel which is sliding down start sliding back to it's original position.
Simply you need to ask your user about their gender inside the radio buttons. And if the user, chooses gender Male, then they must get the output "No, you can't wear Saree unless you are in the Kapil Sharma Show". Else it must gives the output "Yes, you can wear Saree".
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color followed by any button too. As soon as we click the button, first the box needs to mould itself to 300px in height then 300px in width, then background color of box needs to change, then the height needs to be 100px and then width to 100px.
Construct a navbar inside your webpage with Logo and other links, with proper padding. But as soon as we scrolls down our page, the navbar must need to shrink.
Place an image followed by any classroom scoring table, and to it's sideways there must be heading and some paragraph text. But as soon as we scrolls down the page, the image needs to hide.
You need to slide different images with working sliding arrows too inside your webpage. But this sliding you need to do with jQuery and by using the Owl carousel.
Simply place two buttons inside the webpage. Whenever we click on the first button, different paragraph section needs to appear and as soon as we click on the second button, different paragraph section needs to appear.
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color followed by two buttons. First button, when clicked the background color of box must need to change and when second button is clicked the previous background color needs to come again inside the box.
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color including icons, text and button. Now the challenging part over here is as soon as we take our mouse cursor over to the box, the box background color plus every icons, text and button color needs to change. And when the cursor is moved out of the box, it again needs to come back to it's original state.
Place an image inside your webpage followed by any button. And as soon as we click on that button the image which we have placed it must need to change. And in second click the previous image must come back.
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color including text inside. Also place below a button, which when clicked whole content inside the box needs to disppear.
Construct any box with proper width, height and background color including the text inside. Also place below a button, which when clicked whole content inside the box needs to replaced with the AJAX content.
Construct any input box followed by 2 buttons. Now as soon as we click on the first button, random 4 digit number needs to appear inside the input box. And if we click on our second button then inside the input box value becomes 0.
Construct full width 2 boxes with proper width, height and background color including the text inside. Now as soon as we click on the 1st box it must need to slide from right to left and automatically second box needs to appear. And when 2nd box clicked it must need to slide from left to right, and 1st box again needs to appear.
Place a beautiful navbar inside your webpage with links. Also construct some sections like, Home, About Me & Contact Me sections. Inside your navbar put same links which your webpage is having. Now if you want to move to any definite section click to the navbar links and it must need to scroll the page to their particular section.
You need to slide the different images inside your webpage including the working arrow links. But this slider, you need to properly define through jQuery only. No need of using bootstrap, owl carousel or other libraries.
Simple place an input box with button here. Now inside the input box write any name of the items and then click on the button. The added items must need to display in the numbered list form.
Suppose you are going to engage on 29 April 2025. Now you need to construct a section where the reverse countdown needs to start from the current date (Days, hours, minutes, Seconds).
Simply design a form holding the enter email input box plus password holding input box. But as soon as we click on the email input bar the color of the email input bar needs to change to brown color and if we click on the password input bar the color needs to change to red color.
Simply you need to place 5 different links inside your webpage, which are redirecting to any different website page or etc. But from those 5, one link must not need to work, means it should not open any page, website or etc.
You need to simply place (☰) inside your webpage. But as soon as we click on (☰), from left side of the webpage the navbar links need to appear inside the black color panel which fully covers the webpage.