Mainly HTML & CSS are the basic standard of building any website but we can’t leave behind the JavaScript as it provides the behavior or increase the user experience of any site.
Websites which are having definite keywords, meta description, definite alt tags, updated robots.txt plus sitemap.xml page and etc. are known to be SEO-friendly websites.
Websites which are having the proper design in any of the screen whether the site is opened in mobile screen, tablet screen, mini-laptop or laptop and big desktop screen are known to be responsive sites and sites which are having proper look in mobile screens are known to be mobile-friendly websites.
PA or Page Authority is been the metric or standard we can say that predicts how the particular web page is ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages.
DA or Domain Authority is been the metric or standard we can say that predicts how the particular website is ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages.
Both are calculated on the scale of 1-10.
Sitemap page of any website use to specify the pages, media and other files etc. and the relationship inside any website.
Robots.txt file tells the search engine crawlers to particularly read these pages. And the pages you don’t want to rank, you can exclude them in the robot.txt file.
iframe is the one way by e=which we can able to embed any YouTube as well as any Google Maps in our site. We simply need to go for any particular search inside google map or YouTube and from their only we use to get the iframe code which we can include in our site.
WordPress is a type of flexible CMS which allows multiple user to create any site without having any coding language, we are having different themes and plugins over here by which we can able to create or design and include the functionality in our site. Whereas
Through Coding, we can able to design any type of site, might in WordPress there can be the limitation but through coding we can able to design any type of site. We need to create every needful functionality through ourselves as it don’t have any plugin facility but the best part is the site loading speed of any site designed under coding is very good as it don’t have unnecessary plugins, links or libraries etc., which WordPress sites have.
JavaScript is a type of programming language which use to add the functionality or behavior to any site. It increases the user experience by which user also feels the confort-ability of using the site.
Frontend Development:- In any website, whatever we are able to see, interact with is known as frontend, like text, images, videos, forms and etc. whatever we are able to see and interact.
Backend Development:- In any site, whatever we can’t able to see or interact with is known to be the backend.
The best example of both is the Facebook, as whatever the post, status, images, comment and etc. we are able to see and can interact with is the Frontend but when we use to sign-in inside the Facebook through our login credentials then through our particular credentials particular our account is opening and we are not able to see how it is happening and this is known to be the backend.
Bootstrap framework is the combination of CSS and other JavaScript files. Firstly, it shortens the coding length and also through this framework we can able to create the mobile-friendly or responsive sites with very ease.
Yes, sure we can able to include the MP4 files inside the webpage by using the video tags, which is been introduced inside the HTML5, the current version of HTML.
Generally, some features of CSS are not working on different browsers or search engines like:- Safari, Mozilla, Internet Explorer and etc., so this css-prefix is been the standard or way by which we can able to make work those particular CSS feature inside different browser.
For smaller number of objects or for larger surface, SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is the best choice and it can be modify through script and CSS whereas
For larger number of objects or for smaller surface, Canvas is the best choice and it can modify through script only.
DOM that stands for Document Object Model is like the language independent interface that use to treat the XML or HTML document as a tree structure where each node is an object which represent any particular part of the document.
Both are the standard or markup language to create the web pages. XHTML is used to make HTML more flexible to work with other data formats such as XML format. And as we know that browser use to ignore the errors in HTML and use to display the site but XHTML use to create more strictness in error handling.
Yes, it is very important to have the testing and debugging skills for every website developer, so that the website designed or developed by the developer runs flawless and the users too also not loose his/her interest from the site. Also sometimes some error use to break the functionality or design pattern of site, so the developer must have the knowledge of handling the errors.
Domain is the address by which your site can be called from any server or computer, as in my case is the domain of my site whereas
All the files inside the website needs any place and that place where we use to keep our .html, or any type of files regarding our website is known to be the hosting.
.com is one of the top-level domain which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Now you need to understand it, if you are providing the services all over the world then you must need to purchase this .com, but if you are providing the services particular for any country then you can purchase the country-level domain such as .in, .au and etc.
Developer intentionally create the cookies so that if any user use to visit to their particular website then some of their details been stored in the form of cookies so that user can have the best online experience. With cookies, sites can keep you signed in, remember the site preferences and etc.
AMP which stands for "Accelerated Mobile Pages" is an open source framework which was designed by the technologies like Google and others and through this framework accessing any site in mobile devices are too fast, in fact the website opens instantly.
ALT tags in the images holds the information about the image. If in case your image is not visible due to any reason, then that time the alternative text inside alt tag will appear to the user. Also the good marketer use to hold the keywords inside the alt tags.
When any user use to access any website, the easiness or the interaction feeling with that particular website is termed as the user-experience. Better and simple the user interactivity better the user-experience is. The color combination of site, smooth functionality all counted inside the user-experience.
You might have observes the shopping sites like Amazon and Flipkart etc. where you can able to shop your type of products, you can able to select your product and can purchase it. So these type of shopping type sites are known to be the ecommerce platform sites.
The major advantages of HTTP 2.0 are as follows:-
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. It is like a software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development.
It is used to draw graphics using JavaScript. We can draw graphs, combine photos and create basic animations using canvas.
The new APIs provided by HTML are as follows:-
We can able to optimize your site's loading time are as folllows:-
DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a cross-platform programming interface that represents HTML and XML documents as nodes and objects. Actually, it defines the logic structure of documents and the way the documents are accessed and manipulated. Through it, we can able to create, modify and delete the document structure, style and content.
Mainly it is categorized under three categories and which are as follows:-
Digital Marketing is the type of marketing that uses internet and online based digital technologies such as mobile phones, desktop computers, other digital media and other platforms to promote any particular products and services.
There are 7 main categories in Digital Marketing and these are as follows:-
On-Page SEO or On-Site SEO are the ways or the practice of optimizing web pages for specific keywords in order to improve the search visibility and traffic. There are some technical ways or practice by which you can rich your website or blog or content, so that their search visibility plus traffic increases or improve.
It give users the ability to draw graphics on the go, using JavaScript. There are multiple methods to allow for the drawing of paths, circles, boxes, images and etc.
Yes, there are many ways to earn from the website or blog. But it need more disciplined, patience and hard-work. And also we can able to earn a good amount too.
There are many ways by which we can earn money through websites. Some of the following I am mentioning below and these are:-
A good web developer should know:-
localStorage | sessionStorage |
Data is shared between all tabs and windows of the same origin | It exists only within the current browser tab |
Data will not expire here if the windown is been closed too. | As soon as the window or tab close the data will expire. |
Cookies | sessionStorage |
Its storage is 4KB. | Its storage is 5MB. |
Expiry of data depends upon setting and working per window. | Data will expire as the session closed. |
We can able to set the expiration time. | We can't able to set the expiration time here. |
More order browser support. | Less order browser support. |
Cookies | Local Storage |
Its storage is 4KB. | Its storage is 5MB / 10MB. |
Expiry of data depends upon setting and working per window. | Data will not expire here too and to delete the data we can use clear method of JavaScript. |
More order browser support. | Less order browser support. |
It stands for Extensible Hypertext Markup Language. | It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. |
It is case-sensitive. | It is not case-sensitive. |
It is an XML application. | It is an SGML application. |
Attribute values are important in XHTML. | Attribute values are not that important in HTML. |
WordPress | HTML |
No Coding Skills requiered. | Coding Skills requiered. |
There are already thousands of themes available. | Everything needs to be created from scratch. |
Cost of hosting the website is relatively high. | It's cheaper to maintain the website. |
More easy to use and the drag and drop functionality is amazing here. | Several lines of code, bugs and error are here which only a developer can enjoy. |
SEO and security features are better. | Everything needs to add to the source code. |