Construct 2 or 3 card section inside your webpage with image at the top then heading and then paragraph text enclosed inside a box. All the cards must have the same height too.
Construct a banner in the form of pentagon shape, as shown in the image. Also the banner must have the proper visible text at the center of the image.
Place 3 images side-by-side without having any gap in between. And all the images must have some text enclosed inside at the bottom side.
Construct a beautiful form including your name tab, subject and message tab with Submit button. And beside this form, there must have any google map pointing your current address.
Inside the webpage you need to place the Google Map, which will point out your favourite location, which you wish to travel with your life partner.
You need to place some images inside your webpage which must need to slide one after another at same position, a slideshow of images you need to create here, basically.
Construct a section which holds the images with text inside it. But as soon as we take our mouse pointer over the image, that particular image needs to blur.
Construct a blog page with proper navbar, then 2 or 3 posts which includes the image and content section side-by-side, as shown in the image. And the blog page must have the working search tag too.
Construct a box which holds the content in the left side and a button in the right side which holds the links too. And button's background color must need to change too when it is been hovered.
Construct 2 buttons side-by-side inside your webpage but both these buttons must need to download any file (any format). Also there must be the proper gap between the buttons.
Inside any box place the image to the left side and content to the right side. And the box must have the shadowish effect, as shown in the image too.
You need to place social sharing icons inside your webpage. To the left side, there must be the social sharing icons and to the right there must be the content related to the icon.
Construct simple tab bar. Also as soon as the different link or item been clicked, current link or item must highlight too, as in the image Description link is highlighting.
Inside any background image place the section which have some item or box, as shown in the image. And as soon as you click on any box the hidden box with related content scrolls down.
Now you need to create our team section. Where inside any box 2 more sub-boxes been designed which includes some text, image and social sharing icons, as shown in the image too.
Simply, you need to design any page which must includes the navbar, then content and then the footer. But as soon as the page loads, the form must need to pop-up, which must need to be closed also when clicked outside of the form.
You need to design the sitemap page, which holds every page or post links inside the webpage. Links we can have side-by-side too.
You need to again design the tab bar with highlighting box here. But this time every tab when clicked different paragraph text needs to open below.
Construct a page which have the image to it's left side and the content to it's right side. And below this section there must need to have the pagination links.
Suppose you are going to engage on 29 April 2050. Now you need to construct a section where the reverse countdown needs to start from the current date (Days, hours, minutes, Seconds).
Construct any responsive table inside your webpage. And your table must need to have the border lines and also every element inside the table must need to be center aligned.
Construct a section which have address, email & phone number to it's left side and active contact form to the right side, as shown in the image.